Re: Is there a support group for young people getting dentures?
I feel your pain. I wish there was a support group for us too. I'm 42 and need dentures. My issue is my fiancé is 20 years younger, I don't want to feel old and ugly. I want to look as good as possible for him. The threat of a younger gal stealing him away scares the hell out of me. Although he has said a million times what your husband has said to you, he isn't with you for your teeth or looks. He loves you for you. Right? My man is very loving and supportive and still wants to marry me, real teeth or not. I guess I'm the one with the issues, the fears. Either way it sucks.... feeling too young to have to deal with this sort of thing... I always thought I wouldn't ever need dentures... I never want anyone to see me with no teeth. I plan to keep them in at all times except for when I take a bath *that's when I'll clean them* or when my fiancé is at work...
I know it sounds stupid but my other fear is this: Say I need to go to the ER/Hospital for something, I do not want them taking my teeth out, waking up and looking like a toothless freak. I'm sorry but I have seen what people look with their teeth out, face all sunken in. It looks scary to me. My mom has dentures and I love her to death but when she has her teeth out It scares me. So if I ever end up in a situation like that I guess I better make sure my fiancé tells them to LEAVE THE TEETH IN or have them near by for when I wake up.
I don't have any self esteem right now but I guess you can tell. I don't have any friends, I don't like to go out or be around other people and when I have to I don't smile or talk much because of my missing front teeth. Yes I think I will feel better when I finally do get dentures so then I can smile.
I guess right now I have anxiety over the whole issue... Being bi-polar doesn't help...