Hi, just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I sat in the dentist chair last week and just cried. My crowns in the front came out after having them over 10 years. I am a 40 year old woman! After finding out that they couldn't fix my crowns because they broke off at the gum line was told that the front teeth that I do have are not strong enough for a bridge...although i could get but would last maybe a year but he advised against it cause I would be throwing away my money. So I'm getting dentures on the top. I am so depressed. I sat in the chair and just cried, not able to breath in between words cryin that I'm not old enough for dentures....but he assured me that I will look younger and will be even prettier. I'm not a married woman and the thought of getting a boyfriend and him finding out I have dentures is just heartbreaking. But when I found this site and started reading that I wasn't alone I am starting to feel better about the whole thing. I went today and had the impression made....In a few weeks I'll have a denture on the top. I think I'm more afraid of getting the teeth pulled than actually gettin the denture.....but we will see. Its funny though my dentist was like trust me! If you like them and are happy with me you owe me dinner!!!! So I'm gonna take his word and pray alot before I go to bed each night till then!!! hahaha