Re: Is there a support group for young people getting dentures?
Hello fellow people. I will check out the MSN group, but figured I'd post here first because I'm sure a lot of people browse by this thread.
I'm 26, and like a lot of you I have had bad teeth since I was very young. Both sides of my family have gotten dentures at a young age. I've known it was inevitable to get them, just wondered "when"? But dentists will not listen to me, and they say I am too young and at all costs, save my teeth. Of course they say that, because once your teeth are pulled, they don't make money after that.t
Then I got sick. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I'd get nauseous all the time and had digestion issues, brain fog, strange random pains and tingling, and a worsening memory. I started eating a raw food diet which helped some but did not rid my problems. Then I read about mercury poisoning and checked off many symptoms in that list. Not surpising - I have 9 large
Amalgam fillings in my mouth, 3
root canals (one is infected), and am only 5' tall and 120
lbs. I went to a biological dentist and he assured me that my intuition is onto something, and that to get these bad teeth out of my mouth would improve my health. He recommended upper dentures (where almost all teeth are hollow and filled with amalgam, and the front ones are hollow and chipped), and to save my lower teeth.
I talked to my husband's mom who has dentures. I was encouraged to hear that she had experienced nausea and all kinds of health issues, until she got her teeth pulled - and then she felt 100% better. I know deep down getting these diseased teeth out are going to save my life.
I don't worry about what other people think about my smile. Yes, I would love shiny white teeth, and have never had them in my entire life. I will get dentures and a white smile. My diseased teeth will no longer affect my health and well being, and the mercury will be forever out of my mouth.
Do not fret about social stigmas. This is your health at stake.
I am actually very excited to get this done, as I know I will get healthier by doing so, and I can't wait til my appointment.
But whatever you think about getting your teeth pulled, listen to your body, your intuition (your gut feelings), and not to what other people will think. Your mouth is none of their business. You will have shiny beautiful 'teeth' and probably feel a lot better, not to mention never having to shell out money to dirty dentists for the rest of your life.
I will keep you posted of how it goes.