Re: Potassium
Hi Marie,
Were you taking Megapan which has potassium in it and Limcomin? How did you do on these supplements? Did you find it helped to raise both your sodium and potassium? Or what did you find help to raise your NA/K ratio and what was it on our hair test?
Why did you decide to take potassium supplements on their own? Was the other supplements not working for you?
I ask because I now in three lows, came out of four lows but was never given any supplements to work on my NA.K ratio while in four lows, which is what I am working on now. I have been experiencing the potassium deficiency symptoms the past 8 months on the NB program and also the sodium symptoms as I am still at a ratio of 2:1. I am wondering if supplementing with Potassium and taking the prescription for balancing your sodium levels was the best route for you or did the Limcomin and Megapan that has potassium in it also help?
I have been on the limcomin for a week and noticed that I am more sleepy but less anxious, my heart pains are less frequent though, but foggy brain is more apparent and I am wondering if this is because I am working on increasing my sodium now but haven't worked on increasing my potassium via the megapan supplements which I am starting today so I am a little out of balance?
Thanks so much! :)