The ingredient that benefits you in the butt paste is zinc your money and buy a store brand product with 10% zinc oxide. Somebody told me Colgate total whitening toothpaste has the same effect if you let it dry on your skin. Bentonite clay I think would work the best, it draws out metals and toxins too. I personally think the pupil dilation is the critters hiding in your eyes when you come at them with all the noxema. Also, just in my opinion, I would quit trying to convince your boyfriend. In my experience if they don't believe you, the more you try to convince them the crazier they perceive you to be. It's because they don't want to see what you are seeing. It's easier to ignore it. People will run from you if you continuously put things in their face that they don't want to see. You have to accept the fact that you don't have the support of him or the medical industry, simply because its not in their best interest to acknowledge your problem. Thank god for this site, although it is monitored by those that are not on your side, the people here are priceless.