Re: High fat diet causes depression
Just read all your research articles (at least the abstracts, and the one's that were free in full)... I was not able to find any that used a low amount of polyunsaturated fats... Dr. Ray Peat has showed for many years now that PUFA's cause a hormone chain loop that results in large amounts of Serotonin being produced by the gut, creating permeability and allowing for endotoxin overload. He recommends eating two raw carrots a day in order to keep the gram-negative bacteria low.
Coconut oil seems to be the clear solution here. Not only is it the highest in the shorter chain fatty acids (which are absorbed quickly and need no bacterial help), but it is also ANTI-inflammatory, and breaks down into highly anti-fungal and anti-bacterial fatty acids. Not to mention you can get it dirt cheap if you wait for like tropical traditions to have their free shipping sale and order a 5gal bucket (like $120 total and will keep good at least a couple years).
Can you find any study with these same endotoxic results using coconut oil? (or purely highly saturated fats in general?) I think not...
Great research though Cheshire... Endotoxins(LPS) have gone under the radar for FAR too long!