Yes, Bimuno has a small amount of lactose and Sugar added, and maybe a couple of other things. Don't know why this is necessary. Wish they had a pure B-GOS product.
This is all theory for me at this stage. I have only just started to change my diet. My diet for ages has included about 120g fat (very high). I have a schedule for reducing it down to 37g over the next couple of months (a small change every week). It's important to do it slowly or the body will suffer withdrawal symptoms.
By the way, a high protein diet may be almost as bad as a high fat one, although the two often go hand in hand. I could only find animal high protein trials, but it is pretty clear than a high protein diet reduces bifidobacteria to virtually nil and increases the bad bacteria clostridia. Low bifidobacteria is linked to leaky bowel, and leaky bowel causes inflammation.