Yes, I'm not saying people battling Candida should avoid fat and protein and eat more carbs. That would not make any sense. I'm just saying there are adverse consequences for most people with a high protein and fat diet.
I think anyone on a very high fat/protein diet should consider taking GOS (Bimuno is particularly good) to maintain bifidobacteria, protect against leaky bowel, endotoxaemia (translocation of LPS) and inflammation this causes.
BTW, a couple of negatives of a low carb high fat/protein diet from a Candida POV is that it significantly reduces overall bacterial levels in the bowels, and raises colon PH. So on the one hand such a diet withholds food for yeast, then on the other hand it reduces bacteria which inhibit yeast, and reduces SCFAs which also inhibit yeast and prevent it going hyphal. So it is not clear-cut that an extreme low carb diet is good in controlling yeast. Perhaps it is better to just avoid Sugar and eat a more balanced diet and add GOS.