Thanks for the links. I tried Bee wilder's high fat diet and it put my gut on fire with inflammation. After 5 months of my gut inflammation getting worst and worst--- month by month--- I knew her plan was not the solution. Coconut oil/ milk in moderation seems to help with depression, whereas the harder to digest fats can cause some GI Distress (for me).
High fat and high protein encourages candida to produce more damaging acid proteases and lipases(for people that have fungal candida). Excess fat can also overwork the liver with the extra bile production. A concentration of bile in the gut without it being properly absorbed/nuetralized can aggravate leaky gut. Gut inflammation can affect our mood..its the Gut-mind connection. Melatonin is something I use on occasion that helps a lot with late night gut inflammation. Excess protein intake can cause brian fog due to someone who has bad bacteria/candida producing too much ammonia. My brain fog is usually a result of too much simple sugars or excess protein. My Gut inflammation is usually a result of too much hard to digest fat,spices, irritating anti-fungals. Anti-fungals that cause an inflammation response can give me both head fog(too much histamine released) and gut inflammation. Every now and then a non-drowsy anti-histamine pill(allegra) can help with histamine related brain fog, but I don't like depending on those pills.
DPA =EPA's long lost cousin
DPA is on the rise! Rise DPA RISE :)
22:5 chain fat According to this link DPA has anti-fungal activity with Candida Albicans, whereas EPA doesnt.'ve seen some studies where pathogens(h-pylori, candida etc..) can use ammonia to help nuetralize acids to make a more hospitable environment. This ammonia is probably antagonistic with the beneficial acids that our good bacteria produce. Interesting that some beneficial bacteria produce acetic acids which is suppose to deodorize ammonia(wikipedia).
Excess protein probably does not help ammonia levels(when pathogens are presnt) and produces a worst environment for beneficial bacteria.