Re: Need some help asap with a diet, losing weight =\.
I would give the bananas away and keep the fat calories to 200...thats like in an avocado per day. For NAFLD avoidance, I would recommend omelettes with one egg yolk and 3 whites...idk if you are egg tolerant though. I would try veggies over fruit for a week..being true that blackberries are very low sugar. Its the bananas and the egg yolks that can contribute to a disease. Other than that, good shopping list. No nut butters, excessive oils. Calories from potatoes and squash, not pork and oils.
For the first few weeks of this, any amount of fructose would make me and this other curezone member shI), FOOD out. Colorful fruits and veggies...healthfully not absorbing at all... Low sugar, low fat, excercize and liver health reversed this. In liver damage and gall stones they recommend low
Sugar diets because a blood
Sugar spike affects bile production. This was so true for us. The
Sugar from even sweet potatoes would flip a switch and all bile would shut off and we would pass pure food. Now it is a lot less true, but I cant eat 3 bananas and then a meal. History will repeat itself. Thats the extent of my colitis. I used to have fungal rashes on my genitals, scalp, all of the confusion and nonsense. candida was just a biproduct of liver disease. I was so rail thin and messed up. with a diet similar to ur shopping list, people noticed a change after 2 weeks. Although looking back, recovery would have been faster with white potatoes over sweet, and only a tiny amt of fruit. I would seriously put it away for a month..I get PM'S and it looks like the fatigue and stuff leads to a sugar addiction to try to fight think you want the string of grapes to be healthy, but you do have a liver disease that means you need to avoid them til next autumn probably. The diet separates what you NEED to be full and build size and what you want to eat for flavor. Bananas, coconut, grapes, and oil just will not give strength to your body. carbs and some protein, not sugar and fat.
NAFLD creates fatigued, hungry, sugar and fat craving people..thats how it can affect a third of the worlds population and why i get such resistance from my friends pizza addicted coworkers and the oil drinkers on here. The colitis starves them and they keep packing in total CRAP.