Need some help asap with a diet, losing weight =\.
Hi guys I don't mean to double post. But I'm losing weight quick. Mostly because of my diet and the fact I got Garlic poisoning. I know my body is trying to detox it and remove it. I have an appointment wednesday to get everything checked out. Allergies liver etc.
I do have hep c so It's always kind of stressed.
But I'm scared of wheat allergies and such.
I am wondering if someone out there could help me with a quick diet until I get back in shape. I have no body fat and I get really cold.
I just had a raw egg and applejuice drink. I fear it might flush something or get something moving but I don't wanna die from no body fat lol. Especially since my body needs to detox this neurotoxic garlic.
What kind of foods should I get from the store? I'm seriously scared of eating anything right now but growing up I have never had a restrictive diet.
The applejuice i had was 100% pressed apples and just a raw egg.
I do believe I have Candida my tongue is always coated white. My stomach feels a little wheezy after drinking that drink. I also have mucous coming out in my stools and diarrhea.
If someone could just help motivate me into the direction of the correct foods I really don't care if I have to be vegan and drink these drinks until I get back on track.
The garlic also really thinned my blood out and when I got my blood work done the blood was very thin. But glucose, sodium serum and TSH appeared to be normal. I can verify I do have C.F.S/ME. Since I am always tired.
I ate a bowl of cereal and munched on my peanut butter and cheerios and instantly got tired. To the point I fought sleep.
I know if I go to the ER for the 4th time they will probably diagnose me with psychosis so I have to figure this diet out.
Thank you so much to anyone that can help.
P.S is it bad I tried that drink before I did a bowel cleanse? I want to liver cleanse but I heard you have to bowel first.
I do plan on getting a EM machine to cure up the hep c. Also use some CS.