So I hit the store and got a bunch of fruits and veggies.
I tried to get things that are low in
Sugar and fat.
Cucumbers, Sweet potatoes, White potatoes, Brussel Sprouts, Collard greens, Romaine Lettuce, Cabbage, Cranberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Bananas, Grapes, Real Coconut, Lemons, Shredded carrots, Celery, bell peppers.
Last night at 1am I had a salad. I know it was really late but the salad consisted of Romaine lettuce, Peppers, Celery, topped with a lot of lemon juice and a dash of salt.
This morning I had a small bm. Seemed like the normal BM that I have. Then I felt the salad go through me and it was a foul smell. The same smell many on here state they have when they have a Candida outbreak.
Went to sleep at 4, Felt completely tired like I was going to pass out. Was actually scared to sleep because I felt a weird ache in my head on the left side but my mother said she didn't see me get up or talk in my sleep as usual.
Woke up at 12 and my breakfast consisted of cucumbers with skin and a decent amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Sweet potatoes with freshly chopped parsley and a dash of salt.
I do want to incorporate some type of fat in my diet. If I choose to go with eggs what would be the best way to prepare them? Little butter over-hard? Hard boiled? over-easy?
Thanks for all the help. Still feeling a little out there but going to try and get some exercise today and maybe for lunch I'll have some fruits. For dinner maybe a small thing of roasted chicken? Or do you think too much?
Also how long must I wait to eat fruits between veggies so that I don't run into fermentation?