Did you do the clasic magnesium sulfate, olive oil, lemon juice liver flush? I dont know were to get the mag sulfate around here. I did the "flush" without it and boy that was one nasty night. Good dosages of stomach pain, dizzyness and nausea. Not enough to worry this experienced sufferer but pretty bad yes. So I guess that answered the question... "But, Mister, can I do the Liver Flush without the Epsom Salts ?" "Yes you can Timmy, if what you want its intense stomach pain half the night and waking up with nausea but not pooping or puking anything"
Nothing came out with a coffee enema that I did later, either. I think it was a complete fail. I wanna try with the Epsom Salts , but im hesitant. My condition its not for playing much, I dont know if with my leaky gut etc its a good idea. Anyway, with coffee enemas I feel my bile its being released. Not to mention I could actually have some degree of fatty liver.