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Re: RE: To Anonymous Shut the F up post

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Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 13 y
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Re: RE: To Anonymous Shut the F up post

Can't stop. I'm here because I had overgrowths of Candida Parapsilosis, Staphylococcus Aureus and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. I was very sick and tried the elimination of sugars and fats for a very long time, including the complete avoidance of fruit. It didn't work for me and talking from 20+ years of suffering. Tanalbit and a sequence of liver flushes, and I ran my very first marathon within the year at the age of 42. In case you missed it, I also qualified for the Boston Marathon, which required that I run faster than 7:35/mile for the 26.2 miles. I averaged 7:30 per mile, and never ran a single mile slower than 8 minutes. I have repeatable data to show that 10-12 days after a flush I hit a peak speed that I couldn't hit before the flush. After each 10-12 day period after a liver flush, I was faster than the week before.

It's very repeatable. You can go back to my 2002 posts that show the data, which was before the marathon run.

So, I think that Anthony and I are on the same page that restoring bile flow is critical, because NAFLD results from the stoppage of bile flow, and the stoppage of bile flow prevents the digestion of fats and proteins, and if you continue to eat fats and proteins, the undigested fats enter the bloodstream and are picked up by the liver. This is what leads to NAFLD.

Where we differ is that Anthony recovered by eliminating fat and reducing protein in the diet, and somehow that magically restores bile flow. Also, that Sugar and fat cause fatty liver disease.

I contend, that in my case, the overgrowths were caused by Antibiotics , and it's the overgrowths that produce toxins (ethanol being one) and the toxins overload the liver. So Sugar feeds the gram positive bacteria which produce more waste material which continue to impair the liver. When the liver is impaired and can't produce bile, than fats build up in the bloodstream and liver leading to NAFLD.

So it's a question of which came first, the bacteria, or the liver impairment. I've provided all of the medical references in my previous posts to support that bile flow is essential for fat absorption and is also an anti-bacterial, i.e. it disinfects your food, and the small intestine.

Candida is a real and medically recognized problem as is cholestasis and the resulting NAFLD associated with it. The Liver Flush moves bile quickly, which in turn disinfects the intestines. i can now eat anything that I want and frankly, without a diet containing a minimum of 25% of calories from fat and 25% of calories from protein, it's not possible to run a marathon. In fact 20-30 minutes and the run would be over.

So we're on the same page regarding Cholestasis and NAFLD, but we've succeeded in different ways, that's all. His or her way didn't work for me, and the Clark way did work.

I'm here to give back to this forum by sharing my story. I don't have a website with a blog trying to build a following to make money, and I'm not bashing anyone because that backfires. Many of these people are desperate like I was, and may be sick beyond what a dietary change can correct.

You don't have the right to tell anyone to stop anything, so don't tell me to stop. I did nothing to you. Read the Liver Flush testimonials.


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