RE: To Anonymous Shut the F up post
´´Maybe YOU have a fatty liver and a fatty f***ing head. Now SHUT the f*** UP about fatty liver. No one has that EXCEPT you. ugly f***ing C--T.´´
Someone didn´t get their daily coconut oil shot today. I´m going to cry over lunch eating spaghetti bolognese that would have made me feel horrible 3 months ago...grow up and move out of mom and dads trailer.
The liver will control yeast if it is healthy. The liver will digest your food properly also. This forum is addicting because of post after post of horrible symptoms combined with a high fat diet that scares people from a high carb healing diet..exactly what they need. Just ask blistering fate or pokermaniac.
Me and pokermaniac beat candida after a long period of wasting time on the candida diet nonsense. High carb is a longevity diet, It´s okinawa..poor irish peasants that made england rich, millions of asians all are on high carb plans that dont cause yeasts to take over. For the neysayers...cut fat and
Sugar for a few months and then post the pi$$y messages..until then maybe consider controlling your low thyroid and mood swings before posting.