Re: Flush history didnt go so well
I have only myself to blame really because I was impatient and expected a great result from the flush. I expected the gallbladder to be clear the next time I had a scan.
I should have followed the instructions and steps as written
Candida diet
parasite cleanse
Gallbladder flush
but a lack of preparation and patience made me go straight into Gallbladder /
Liver Flush which may have not been needed.
Even now I haven't really checked for systematic candida infection other than trying the home spit test.
For others reading I would advise to not jump to conclusions straight away.
First do as much checks as possible on whether you do have a particular problem before trying to fix it.
My initial reasons for doing the gallbladder flush (min stroke like symptoms such as loss of feeling in left hand, tingling, pins and needles, strange feelings in portions of the head after drinking alcohol, getting too nervous or caffeine) are probably nothing to do with the
Gallbladder Polyps that I have, and by trying to 'fix' that I could have created more issues.