Re: lets talk about daniel!
also this is not just a topical condition.
simply due to the reason- this ec fkcuking crapppp mainly effects males between the age 16-30
if this was just a topical situation. you would get a wide range of people getting it. and if you guys are right and its caused by trauma i would imagine it would affect older people. due to the reason we are young healthy males.
its baffless me every day on my lifee. i literaally go to bed everynight staying up for 4 hours wondering why the f***kkk me and go back and forth trying to figure out what the f***ckk is causing this!
imo its something to do internal and my guess is hormal or something to do with testosotoron something along those lines.
were all f***iedd till somebody finds a proper cure.
i still battle on with this leaving it alone crapppp simply due to the reason lees left his lips alone and did diet, ihopethishelps left his lips alone and also that dude 150 or what ever left his lips alone and it all took around the 6 month period. and also i can see with my own eyes daniels improvenments whihc are finally starting to come to light.
and as far as im concerned and vunk also agrees with me we all have the sammme f***king shit. big chunky yellow peeling dry f***king lips that go with and soggy in the shower and peel vetween 1 or 4 weeks end a story