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Re: lets talk about daniel!
Healing2021 Views: 2,533
Published: 13 y
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Re: lets talk about daniel!

I agree with Ryan.

So Ryan,

What exactly are you going to do? Moisturize your lips (with what?) and try to leave them alone to heal as much as possible. I think it is a reasonable treatment. Again the only derm I spoke to who has seen this said they cured it using vaseline and avoiding peeling the lips too much. It still may take awhile but probably not as long as leaving them completely dry. So keep us posted on what your doing.

And JSL,

What happened man? You were so sure about this method and said you were seeing such great improvement. Has the improvement completely stopped? Im back to this method and have been moistening my lips every hour or so, and I think it is helping. It has only been about a week of being back on this, but the buildup doesnt seem as great as it did when I first started, which is good. You should try this JSL.

Anyways, Im back on the grind and officially decided on staying home from school for first semester, which severely pisses me off. Im pretty much a few months away from being depressed about this shit so Im just tryin to power through.


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