Re: Lentils ?
so you are of the opinion that no grains can be eaten with candida. ok....thats a popular opinion but i have seen sites that say brown rice and quinoa are acceptable. i may cut out oats for a while due to the gluten contamination issue but i dont see giving up the rest. not eating brown rice or quinoa is not going to all of a sudden get rid of liver flukes, tapeworms, and other
parasites inside me that is causing candida etc. amaranth has been suggested for parasites, i've eaten a small amount of it a grand total of twice.
now i cant eat carrots? please, this is just hogwash. i'd love for you to explain how carrots can feed candida.
i'd rather stick to eating real whole foods that arent genetically engineered or sprayed with pesticides. thats my main concern. the idea is to starve candida but i'm not starving myself.
Sugar and yeast encourage candida overgrowth......not eating vegetables.
"Why can't you buy bottled water ? It may not be the exact best PH but it's better than fluoride water."
LOL. you do realize that bottled water is just tap water thats put in plastic bottles. why the hell would i waste money on that scam.....buying bottled water you might as well take your money and flush it down the toilet. ideally you want to drink natural spring water, but directly from the spring not fake "spring water" sold in the store.