So I'm guilty of assuming that protein and fruit are overconsumed and the previous poster was guilty of not being specific. It looks like nobody can win. And then the poster after me says candida diets cut all the grains you're eating. It's assuming so much to think you're overeating those grains. How dare he. He suggests juicing greens, which I got in trouble for on here..that offended people. And he says carrots are bad for him..specifically after saying people project their bad reactions on others. So I think the rule for this forum is to s*&^ on everyone else's experience and put your own in to be as hipocritical as possible. Another norm is to be very miserable and to post a help message and s(* on most of the advice and users that shared their experiences. You won't see disagreement from me that a bunch of kale would I don't know why the process of collecting feedback from everyone is so complicated.
Why do I assume protein is overconsumed? what is left? Compared to anyone else, there is no baked goods at breakfast, or breakfast bars. Ok what's left? eggs. For dinner there's no panini or pasta..What's left? fish. No stir frys with rice. How about fish or meat?