Re: Crowded in here!
All the ideas came out in that thread. This last one above me even brought religion into it as they tried to say that others are psychotic!! Religion is the opiate of the masses, so you should consider yourself a bit of a psychotic 12621 ! At least Annunaki is wiling to see the truth about America's role in War.
Then you leave us with this:
"Do you suffer from schizophrenia or maybe a personaility disorder?
Luke 4:23 And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself". [end quote]
Two sentences that really do show your mental state!!
But getting back to reality, America will have to be blown up by someone or the world will spin into that stupid apocalypse those rabid christians are praying for. Are you in that number, #12621?
America is the root of almost all the wars now. They have the power to stop them all too, but don't. So much good could be done with their money and power, and they use it building bombs. This should tell you what side they are on - evil.
Same old same old, and there will be no change until the cowardly American voters get a grip and change the government to one OF THE PEOPLE.
Russia and China could take it on. I would prefer to see voters do it, but they don't have a 'second choice', other than the evil D&R elitist parties.
So Canada will have to do it. We will smoke a big BC bud with them and become their third political party and get all the votes. [joke!]