21 y
Re: Crowded in here!
So you prescribe destroying the United States in a nuclear attack as well. Canada will catch the fallout of your nuclear attack and then you will not be smokinng anything but radiation. No thank you. If you live in that same place of hate that our local lizard man live then you will get whatever karma you give. Christians will get what they give as well. Funny how life works that way. Some use their faith in an afterlife to get away with murder while they are here and some like yourself can rationalize it without God. Funny how you replaced God for rationalization and came to the same conclusion as Cheney and Company,that murder is okay, but you picked a different victim. Justifying the murder of millions of Americans for whatever reason you have rationalized makes you as imbalanced as any fascist psuedo-christian out there. Playing with spiritual darkness or rationalizing murder is all the same subtance. It is not the stuff I want my children to play with.
Then you prescribe to destroying the United States in a nuclear attack as well. Canada will catch the fallout of your nuclear attack and then you will not be smokinng anything but radiation. No thank you. If you live in that same place of hate that our local lizard man live then you will get whatever karma you give. Christians will get what they give as well. Funny how life works that way. Some use their faith in an afterlife to get away with murder while they are here and some like yourself can rationalize it without God. Funny how you replaced God for rationalization and came to the same conclusion as Cheney and Company,that murder is okay, but you picked a different victim. Justifying the murder of millions of Americans for whatever reason you have rationalized makes you as imbalanced as any fascist psuedo-christian out there. Playing with spiritual darkness or rationalizing murder is all the same subtance. It is not the stuff I want my children to play with.