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Grog Views: 2,740
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 18,902


I agree ! And although I believe there is great desent in america it is squashed and what protest that does accur is muffled by the media! The powers that be would love nothing more than an attack on america and install marshall laws through out the lands! If those who protest and are in complete disaccord with the policies of lunacy and not heard, all the world will come to despise us and have no sympathy when we are attacked and become prisoners of our own lack of vigilance!

I agree ! And although I believe there is great desent in america it is squashed and what protest that does accur is muffled by the media! The powers that be would love nothing more than an attack on america and install marshall laws through out the lands! If those who protest and are in complete disaccord with the policies of lunacy all the world will come to despise us and have no sympathy when we are attacked and become prisoners of our own lack of vigilance!


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