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Image Embedded SADM units and their pick ups!
anunnaki Views: 2,738
Published: 21 y
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SADM units and their pick ups!

Well I don't personally like being called insane just because I have knowledge on something that someone else doesn't possess. S.A.D.M (Special Atomic Demolition Munition) teams deliver their nuclear devices via waterfronts. This has been proven from their old video training footage etc some of which is shown below. Israel, United Snakes & Britain have set off many micronuclear devices over the last few years now. Its also rumoured that some micronuke devices were used in Fallujah recently along with some chemical weapons which Iraqi doctors are disguisted with. Its ironic that a country spurting its hillbilly mouth about WMD's then uses them to help themselves because they CANNOT defeat these arabs man on man. The great United Snakes and Britain are pathetic soldiers when you get down to the nitty gritty. Russia has used micronukes before one time being on an oilrig in the ocean not long back and recently in Taba Hilton in Egypt which made the zionist meeting to destroy Russian Oil internally come to an abrubt end :-)

When SADM teams deploy micronukes they are generally met by submarines waiting for them as a pick up then they are gone with most non the wiser. Its called being covert, ask your Navy Seals about this! To accuse someone of being insane because they have information you cannot understand or fear is bafoonary. Always have an open mind because if an external force is at play then they would use this type of method. If like the Twin Towers the U.S is at play with Is-ra-el then they will just do mantainance work and plant the nukes themselve. Generally they plant these small nukes in pipework in sewers this is why the blast crator is present in impossible positions.

Personally I'd love it if Russia Micronuked United Snakes ;-) I hope if they do they do many areas. I'd prefer it if they used 50 kiloton ICBM's which do serious damage ;-) No more ROMAN EMPIRE in that region and all the deaths around the world of other nations at the hands of Amerikkka, Britain and IS_RA_EL will be revenged! Always think about what you do onto others can come back and ameriKKKans are the biggest cry babies when it does.

Land of the FEE and home of the SLAVE! [Federal Reserve]
Mr.Rothschild thanks you for all your contributions

Nicely inbetween the Flashpoints


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