Wake up Call
Even if you are right about all of the conspiracies you believe in, if the actions of others change you into someone who believes that untold millions of people should die, you have become the monster you accuse others of being. Is it possible that you are suffering from some type of Psychosis? Is it possible that you suffer from paranoia or schizophrenia and that your fear driven world-view is a psychotic delusion?
"people with schizophrenia frequently have difficulty recognizing reality, thinking logically, and behaving normally in social situations. It is likely that there are multiple underlying causes for this disorder; in fact, with 20 or 30 or more problem genes at the root of this illness, schizophrenia is probably several illnesses rather than one."
Psychosis is defined in a variety of ways, but it is essentially an inability to recognize reality. It can include such symptoms as delusions (false beliefs), hallucinations (false perceptions), and disorganized speech or behavior(maybe speaking in an alien language?). Because psychosis also can be a feature of other mental disorders, not all people who are psychotic have schizophrenia.
Paranoia (paranoid psychosis)
Delusions of grandeur or persecution, often by a large
organization like the FBI
Occurs among older and more intelligent victims. Delusions
can dominate life if not treated.
Paranoia realted to Anti-Semitic
Conspiracy theory
Anti-Semitic belief systems
Antisemitism has spawned innumerable
Conspiracy theories. Almost all of the anti-semitic
Conspiracy theories and indeed anti-semitism itself are tied to the practice of charging interest on loans (usury). It is claimed that since the Old Testament seems to ban interest on loans only to one's brothers, the Jews have historically made loans and charged interest to non-Jews, increasing their money and power. This is by far the most widespread conspiracy theory, found everywhere from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, to Nazi ideology, to mainline Catholic thought during the beginning of the 20th century (see Fr. Denis Fahey). It also plays a prominent role in current antisemitic thought in Arab nations and Russia.
Paranoia: What characterizes the paranoid type is the presence of delusions, whereas disorganization and emotional flatness are not prominent. Although the delusions may be paranoid in content, they may also have non-paranoid themes (for example, religious or "delusions of grandeur").
The symptoms of schizophrenia are defined as either "positive" or "negative."
Positive symptoms include:
Hallucinations (disordered perceptions) that may involve any of the five senses, including visual, auditory (hearing), tactile (touch), olfactory (smell) and gustatory (taste)
Delusions (distorted thoughts)
Disorganized speech
Unusual or disorganized behavior
Negative symptoms include:
Restricted emotional range ("flat affect")
Limited, unresponsive, unexpressive speech
Disordered thinking, with problems making logical connections
Trouble starting or pursuing goal-directed activity
Do you suffer from schizophrenia or maybe a personaility disorder?
Luke 4:23 And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself
Is it possible that you suffer from paranoia or schizophrenia and that your fear driven world-view is delusion.