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Mental Illness Check
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Mental Illness Check

Interesting post. If it is true about the micro-nukes then I hope there would be a way to detect the device? Maybe you could send an anonymous message to the Navy or something if you were really concerned about it? Wouldn't that be a better use of your energy than wishing nuclear destruction of the United States?

From your post, I see that you describe in it that you hate the United States, GB, & Israel and that you would like for millions of Americans to die in a nuclear war? Those are pretty strong words. I know you hate Jews. Is that Israeli Jews or all Jews that you hate? Do you want to destroy America to rid America of Jews or what is the root of this burning hatred? I wasn't aware of how much you hated America before reading your post though. Are you an Illuminati/Kissinger population control advocate? Advocating the annihilation of the United States and the death of untold millions of human lives and yet you post health related messages to those you would have die in a nuclear exchange? That type of personality seems more consistent with A Nazi Death camp Doctor, experimenting on his victims before exterminating them?

Perhaps you have Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy? You create illnesses for us only so you would rescue us from our many ills? That is usually a mother though. In earlier posts you indicate you are a lizard creature from another planet. Could it be possible that someone like that might have some sexual orientation confusion? In other posts you attack homosexuals but perhaps your self loathing is due to some type of sexual frustration you feel? Is this the case? It makes sense that you feel like you are from another planet if you do? That feeling of other worldliness might explain your insistence that you are from a superior race of lizards. Is it possible and that you have some type of psycho-sexual pathology that remains untreated?

Someone who invests a large amount of their energy into providing alternative health advice and then wishes death upon American, GB, & Israeli citizens is possibly someone with serious underlying emotional problems? I believe it is possible that someone who would wish a nuclear attack on the people they give health advice would make them a sociopath and not someone with empathy for those they say they are trying to help or anyone else for that matter? Considering your interest in giving health advice, I imagine you think us all your laboratory rats and if some day we all die in some type of nuclear event then it would be a satisfactory conclusion to a grand human experiment. That kind of thinking certainly does not come from a place of empathy but rather is it possible that a total disregard for human life comes from a serious chemical imbalance? Maybe you zapped yourself one too many times?

A common attention-seeking ploy related to sociopaths is the claim that she is being persecuted, victimized, excluded, isolated or ignored by another family member or group, perhaps insisting she is the target of a campaign of exclusion or harassment. Is it possible that you live in that definition of mental illness? You do have a sense of social justice but it is a mercurial polarization that sees only things in black & white. We humans are all trying to do the best we can but we live in the shades of gray. A kind of good versus evil sense of the world does not allow for human weakness in your polarized world-view. Learning forgiveness would be a great place to start the process of curing any kind of mental illness. Forgive yourself for the pathology that you may have taken on as you alter-ego and then forgive us. In a place of forgiveness, you can begin healing that broken part of you that is a victim.

I don't believe that any disease or condition is incurable. If you can come to the realization that you are chemically imbalanced and take charge of your mental health, I believe there is even hope for someone as delusional as you. You have shown that you have the ability to do a tremendous amount of research about alternative medicine. I would suggest that you find possible treatments for your apparent mental imbalance. Your own alternative health advice for us will only become better if you balanced yourself with empathy and concern for those seeking help and perhaps you might truly make a positive difference in the world.


Interesting post. If it is true about the micro-nukes then I hope there would be a way to detect the device? Maybe you could send an anonymous message to the Navy or something if you were really concerned about it? Wouldn't that be a better use of your energy than wishing nuclear destruction of the United States?

From your post, I see that you describe in it that you hate the United States, GB, & Israel and that you would like for millions of Americans to die in a nuclear war? Those are pretty strong words. I know you hate Jews. Is that Israeli Jews or all Jews that you hate? Do you want to destroy America to rid America of Jews or what is the root of this burning hatred? I wasn't aware of how much you hated America before reading your post though. Are you an Illuminati/Kissinger population control advocate? Advocating the annihilation of the United States and the death of untold millions of human lives and yet you post health related messages to those you would have die in a nuclear exchange? That type of personality seems more consistent with A Nazi Death camp Doctor, experimenting on his victims before exterminating them?

Perhaps you have Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy? You create illnesses for us only so you would rescue us from our many ills? That is usually a mother though. In earlier posts you indicate you are a lizard creature from another planet. Could it be possible that someone like that might have some sexual orientation confusion? In other posts you attack homosexuals but self loathing is typical of many homosexuals. Is this the case? It makes sense that you feel like you are from another planet if you do. That feeling of other worldliness might explain your insistence that you are from a superior race of lizards. Is it possible and that you have some type of psycho-sexual pathology that remains untreated?

Someone who invests their energy into providing alternative health advice and then wishes death upon America, GB, & Israel citizen death is possibly someone with serious underlying emotional problems? I believe it is possible that someone who would wish a nuclear attack on the people they give health advice would make them a sociopath and not someone with empathy for anyone? Considering your interest in giving health advice, I imagine you think us all your laboratory rats and if some day we all die in some type of nuclear event then it would be a satisfactory conclusion to a grand human experiment.
That kind of thinking certainly does not come from a place of empathy but rather it it possible that a total disregard for human life comes from a serious chemical imbalance. Maybe you zapped yourself one too many times?

A common attention-seeking ploy related to sociopaths is the claim that she is being persecuted, victimized, excluded, isolated or ignored by another family member or group, perhaps insisting she is the target of a campaign of exclusion or harassment. Is it possible that you live in that definition of mental illness? You do have a sense of social justice but it is a mercurial polarization that sees only things in black & white. We humans are all trying to do the best we can and live in the shades of gray. A kind of good versus evil sense of the world does not allow for human weakness. Learning forgiveness would be a great place to start the process of curing any kind of mental illness. Forgive yourself for the pathology that you may have taken on as you alter-ego and then forgive us. In a place of forgiveness, you can begin healing that broken part of you that is a victim.

I don't believe that anything is incurable. If you can come to realize that you are chemically imbalanced and take charge of your mental health, I believe there is even hope for someone as delusional as you. You have shown that you have the ability to do a tremendous amount of research about alternative medicine. I would suggest that you find possible treatments for your apparent mental imbalance. Your own alternative health advice for us will only become better if you balanced yourself with empathy and concern for those seeking help and then you might truly make a positive difference in the world.



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