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Im not a Reptilian, Genes are a con and MORE
anunnaki Views: 2,926
Published: 21 y
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Im not a Reptilian, Genes are a con and MORE

I am not a Lizard reptilian from Sirius with a 3rd eye having a vertical blink. I am a Homosapien (HUman) which was created by Reptilian high intelligence beings known as Anunnaki, Nagas, Iguana Men, Nommo etc. I call myself by this name that is all and anyone who thinks I am a reptilian well they can believe what they wish. If you took silly jokes in an earlier thread as me saying im a reptile for sure well then hmmm reality check.

Its interesting that someone still wrapped up in the Matrix regardless of their thinking of the idea should arise with an idea that I have a disease and it could be the GENES. Now why is it that the establishment blames everything on genes? They try to make out alot of Cancer is genetic when its been proven only 5% is actually genetic. Why do they persist that Mad Cow is genetic? Its been proven to do with Fluorides and Organophosphates. You will find they always use the genes as a quick, easy and sheeple acceptable EXCUSE. The reality is that the majority of gene research is GUESS WORK. Its all hogwash and they are going to base insurance etc around this? You may not get life cover because of a gene they THINK is for a disease?????? They claimed there was 3 million genes then they changed it to less and now they claim 20,000 genomes. Its funny how Genomes were known by the Sumerians 2800 BC yet we think weve only found it out now. Its actually strange because if im correct the Sumerians talked of 33,000 genomes. It was common knowledge that many of the genomes the establishment talk about are complete Alien to them yet Sumerians knew. Well of course they did because they were aware of the Anunnaki and their genetic experiments and creation fronted by Enki. The moral of the story is dont believe this Genetic hogwash they come out with. They struggle on the easiest of topics let alone full blown genetics full mapped (ha). They still cannot clone a sheep that lives a normal life without disease etc. Whys this? Because they dont understand the genomes fully, but they dont tell you this. The best man to explain this information is Jon Rappoport.

It's the matrix society that has made me have these bad feelings. Theres death everywhere from phony wars, phony medical establishment and phony perimeters of mind control and boxing us in. The frustration of masses of sheep making life harder for us real human beings. The frustration of say having a wife who is programmed and wont listen to alternative health. This wife then gets Cancer and you have to watch her die because she wont use your Molecular Enhancer, Orgone Accumulator, Rife Machine etc which would have her still alive for many years in the future. You see this society and matrix is a disease itself. I'd say the greatest scientific mind even over Nikola Tesla is WILLIAM REICH who was on the money all the time and only now people are starting to prove his work. Of course they dont credit WILLIAM REICH with their new findings based on his work.

So there you go! I think a world wide Neutron Bomb attack on the population is necessary. Then the Anunnaki can come back and create a better species to be the guardian of Gaia and learn from their old mistakes.


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