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Re: The Week From Hell
chirontherainbowbridge Views: 2,040
Published: 14 y
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Re: The Week From Hell

Hi Joe, one thing that has helped my E, who was also hit by a car and knocked from his bike, is craniosacral adjustment.
(and this, just recently, a few months after the fact)

Although he saw an MD after the event- for insurance/legal purposes- no 'serious damage' was uncovered. It was the CS practitioner who found and reported whiplash..etc. etc.

I also recommend EFT...(and personally, I really like ho'oponopono, since I find with it, the 'miraculous' thing is all forgiveness (which seems to be locked into trauma and hidden) at the root, comes back to forgiving oneself...It's just a big circle that gets smaller and bigger at the same time! thus it turns out there is no one, ever, to blame, and so one's own feeling better equates to others feeling healed as well. All the pain and aching says big time mineral reserve-building: alfalfa, kelp, nettles, lots of green goodness.

good plant fats too...coconut, avocado...




Edit-- EFT  might also translate well to ENERGY freeing techique--since it's more about bound-up or detached and skewed bio-energy than it is about "emotions" per se---It's just that perception-experience-belief (+ triggers that resonate and amplify this sum) altogther adds up to pain of one or many sorts.



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