Re: The Week From Hell
Hey Joseph,
Sure sorry to hear about your accident! So I am assuming that in addition to breaking the ankle that you also fell or flew onto the ground or other surface during the accident and came to a very sudden, rude and jarring halt. That alone is probably why you are hurting everywhere and stiff- not just your ankle. I can speak from experience here- I am 56 and was in a car accident in February of this year. Just from my arms being braced on the steering wheel and my feet both planted on the brake at the moment of impact, my entire body took the force of the sudden stop. I was very stiff and sore and inflamed in every muscle and joint for a number of weeks.
What helped me to recover was: 1. hot soak baths with
Epsom Salts , baking soda and hydrogen peroxide., 2. lots of visits to the chiropractor, 3. some gentle professional massage, 4. Lots of herbal calcium formula and superfood, BF&C ointment and Uny's massage oil, 5. A homeopathic product called Traumeel in pill form and a massage cream by the same name- both very anti inflammatory, 6. Lots of rest, gentle stretches, sauna, sleep a lot, very gentle bounces on my mini-trampoline for short times (probably not for you with your ankle though,7. Black strap molasses, apple cider vinegar, calcium hydroxide and kelp mixed and sipped slowly (the Moreless drink), 8. Green smoothies with lots of greens like kale, etc.
I hope some of these ideas help you out. It is hard to be patient and it takes lots of time to recover from such an impact- even more so when we are a little older. Every cell in your body got a rude shock!
Take care and I will remember you in my prayers