Re: The Week From Hell
'Sorry I didn't think to remind you about CE's for pain. I just assumed (grrrr me) that you already knew that (you've always been such a good reader & researcher!).
YES!!!! CE's are very beneficial for pain relief (that's how they were discovered and what they were used for until until researchers found the liver connection). You should definitely be doing at LEAST one per day (I'd be doing them morning, noon, & night).
Try whatever you wanna try - but remember, adding 'toxicity' is only likely to cause more aches.
Hang in there, Joe...this too shall pass!
Blessings sent -
P.S. I certainly don't want to sound like some kind of a "commercial" when you're in pain, but 'healing' is the fastest way to restore pain when something is broken. From the very first links that Water gave you...Herbal Calcium & BF&C are going to heal that fracture FAST. And I don't remember if White Willow bark was mentioned in those links, but we've got that tincture too, and it's great for all kinds of pain, but especially bone/joint pain.