I forgot to mention that the main problem that led me to diagnose myself with adrenal fatigue a year ago was sudden irregular menstruation - suddenly spaced out to every 60 days instead of every 30 when I was quite regular. After going over my symptoms I ordered a saliva test to test my estrogen and progesterone. The results confirmed that I was estrogen dominant, which I heard from Lam is a classic symptom of adrenal fatigue in women.
First of all hormone testing, especially saliva testing, is notoriously inaccurate. Hormones are in a constant state of fluctuation so testing only shows a window for that moment. And saliva only shows what is in the saliva, not what it stored in the body fat, which accounts for most of the sex hormones. In addition saliva testing is not going to differentiate between bound and unbound hormones.
In fact, you mentioned symptoms in your last post of androgen dominance (progesterone and/or testosterone), which are antagonists to estrogen.
Secondly, the adrenals do not become the primary source of these hormones until menopause, natural or otherwise, sets in. So to claim that estrogen dominance is a classic sign of adrenal fatigue in women is really misleading. Given your age I would have to say that your hormone issues are not adrenal related unless you had your ovaries removed.
As for the change in your periods it is hard to say what is going on without more information. It could be PCOS, excess weight loss, etc. Well I guess we can rule out the weight loss since you said you were gaining weight in the last post. But still other women reading this post need to be aware of the different causes.