Re: Slow up ALB.
ALB, with your high IQ you should know that the accident you wife had it is not conclusive, does not prove your point. It could...but the known scientific method is not present in your reasoning. Hence, that unfortunate accident does not support any of your beliefs regarding hydration, water or juice fasting, etc.
Please, notice that I am not saying your beliefs lack legitimacy. I am just saying that, according to the scientific method, you are not proving any thing to us.
Also, how easily you accuse us of having "blind faith" in Shelton? Please, define "blind faith" to us, and show to us how "blind" we are. Do not say it, just prove it, show it.
Dear ALB, you are defending beliefs that are based on premises you do not care to establish beforehand. Why don't you establish your premises first? Do you want us to accept your premises without requiring their testing first? That would be "blind faith", indeed.
I believe you are deeply prejudiced and uneducated. You are also hard to deal with because your despise for true knowledge (the one we get after long and serious study). You make a perfect follower, and I say this with sadness.
Why don't you put first the time to study fasting seriously? Why don't you read this forum pages completely- it would be a good and easy place to start. What about buying some books or visiting the library a few times before accusing us of mystic and ignorants?
You do not want to do the work to be educated on this subject. You consider yourself an authority and want to impose your beliefs on us, by sheer force. In other words, you want us to accept what you believe as true, and reject what we believe as force...just because you say so!
Dear ADL, you are ignorant and arrogant. Why don't you let us be! We do not mind your being yourself... we do not try to change you; but you want to change us. Are you better than us?
What about tolerance of opposing points of views? Why different opinions bother you so much?
Dear ADL, you seem to be a tyrannical man. That will not bring you adepts.
If this is your behavior with a high IQ as you say you have, I do not want to know what you can do with a lower one!