Re: Proof that these ARE gallstones.
Where have you been getting your biology info from? Yes, the gallbladder contracts and releases bile, when fats are eaten. The gallbladder is not large enough to contain 1000's of stones, and the bile duct does not dilate enough, to pass stones of a 1/2
inch in diameter.
Causing the gallbladder to continually contract, by eating a lot of fatty foods, can cause a gallstone to be lodged in the bile duct. This is very dangerous, if a person actually has real gallstones.
There are ways of dissolving
Gallstones with various herbs and supplements, that are a lot more effective, and a lot less dangerous, than doing any of these liver or gallbladder flushes.
I hope you do get whatever it is you passed, examined, and post the actual results. Your story might seem a bit more credible if you actually had some evidence.