Re: My breath smells like poo!
Thanks for the additions, but my post was to alert folks to the likely causes of CHRONIC and PERSISTANT bad breath that does not respond to the usual over the counter remedies. Believe me, people with difficult bad breath have tried everything and have had to fight against wrong diagnoses and indifference in the medical community in order to get the diagnostic tests and medical procedures done that will actually relieve them of their bad breath.
These are people who have lost jobs, relationships and families and are forced to battle
Depression and hopelessness because actual remedies have traditionally eluded their many efforts. And on top of everything, there are hucksters who take advantage of their desperation by promising that their expensive products and treatments will cure them. They don't. The stories that are available to anyone online, show what has worked and what has not worked.
From what I've learned, claims of liver toxicity are vague, anecdotal and non-scientific. The same can be said for colonic, gall bladder and renal toxicity. From my reading of thousands of posts about chronic and persistent bad breath, it was evident that the various liver, colonic, bladder and renal "cleanse diets" were ineffective in stopping the kind of bad breath that I am describing.
I posted my findings so that I might save people who suffer from difficult bad breath from wasting their time and money and feeling crushing discouragement which makes a hard life only harder. I suffer from chronic and persistent bad breath. In my case it is caused by geographic tongue (benign migrating glossitis). It's cause is unknown and there is no cure at present other than what I posted. None of the herbal or cleansing diet remedies that are popular have worked for me, nor do they work for others in my category of bad breath.
It should also be pointed out that there is a real possibility that psychological factors play a role in bad breath issues. Chronic low level anxiety is known to reduce immune system response and immune system response includes oral bacterial scavenging of gram positive anerobic bacteria which release volatile sulfur compounds (VSC's) which are the odors associated with bad breath.