Re: Is it possible to stop degenerative disc disease?
>>"Is this fresh or canned? Is it okay to eat them if they come from a can?"<<
The salmon is frozen... sold directly to the health food store from the fisherman who line catches them. Sardines are primarily canned although I may go to the asian markets at time and get them and\or smelt, frozen.
>>"Bio Strath actually is made using yeast."<<
Yes, I noted that.
>>"What do you think of using dead sea bath minerals?"<<
I have never considered that product... I have used Dead Sea *Bath Salts* before... I felt wiped out after baths. so I avoid them now. Your experience may be different.
>>"What is the Epsom Salts and H202 bath supposed to achieve?"<<
Metal Detox, remediation of nitrogen overload, increase magnesium in the body. etc.
>>"What do you think of whey protein supplements?"<<
I like whole,, undenatured whey and sweet whey products... I would avoid isolates.
>>"Will this green food drink work?"<<
Looks good to me.
>>"How do you incorporate kelp into your diet?"<<
In my food preparations... miso soups, salad dressings, stews, etc.
>>"You mentioned looking up your posts. I did this, you have over 9000. Is there any way to drill down and get to the relevant posts?"<<
Read the rated posts, and then only the ones posted to the forums of your interest.