15 y
Re: I'm sorry (truly) but you did not "try the Schulze thing"... Re: Does anybody with AF ever tried Dr. Schulze program?
[And the beberine containing herbs (goldenseal, Oregon grape root, barberry, coptis also known as goldthread) in the formulas kill the intestinal flora, which need to be built up instead of destroyed. ]
very good point. totally agree
[ It is the intestinal flora that generate the serotonin that regulate peristalsis naturally. ]
flora are important, but bile is the key to generating proper peristalsis. both are important.
[ This is why high anthraquinone laxatives (senna, cascara sagrada, rhubarb root and Aloe ferox) lead to a laxative dependence.]
yes. laxatives are laxatives even if they are herbal. they should only be used temporarily. i have to wonder how many people schulze has inadvertently turned into laxative addicts. still it is better than not pooping at all.