You cannot fix 'af' without fixing the source. Synthetic vitamins will not fix the source.
This is where I differ in opinion with the 'internet doctors', and my doctors are on the same page. I think most of you go with the vit c and b5 stuff because that is all you have read, because those are the only doctors who put that stuff out there. There is so much more going on, and frankly those docs really don't have a clue.
Adrenal or hpa distress is caused by several things. Improper gut function is a HUGE component. Stress kills your gut first. Your gut is where you absorb all and convert and utilize most of your nutrition. If you cannot do that properly, your body will be stressed and on high alert.
Plus, your immune system headquaters is in your gut. Why do you think people with "af" have
food allergies ? The adrenals don't react to food. It's the immune system. because you are depleted, you do not fully digest food. Unbroken down rpotiens leak through your sick gut wall, and cause systemic reactions of varying types.
THE ADRENALS DO NOT CONTROL IMMUNE RESPONSE! THAT IS HEADQUARTERED IN THE ILLEUM OF YOUR DIGESTIVE TRACT! The adrenals simply react to stimuli from the brain that is reacting to stimuli from your immune system, which is reacting from your gut.
Got it?
P.S. I am working with an immunologist who is extremely hard to get into. three months. He has lectured all over, and even trained mercola himself.
So, like I said, the first organ or organs to suffer is you digestive system. Stress pull blood away from the digestive tract thus starving the enterocycets. An imbalance in flora happens. The flora feed you, make your vitamins, and control your immune system. They keep the junctions between cells tight as to only allow through the stuff that is needed.
The reason you af ers have high copper or whatever, is not because you have too much copper. It is because your digestive tract is not absorbing or releasing properly. So things get stored. You have to fix the elimination system before you can fix your body. THe adrenals don't control anything. THey are simply doing what they are told.
So, destress and release hypothalmic over burden.
And heal the gut. Gaps is a good protocol for everything including detox of heavy metals when your body is ready. This does not mean, "when your adrenals are ready." No such thing. You can only properly detox if your body can take it to the waste system and not have it accidentally reabsorbed.
I am on no supplements. Just food. Introducing massive doses of probiotics and only inulin (long chain prebiotics) this weekend to finish sealing off the gut and hopefully build up my natural flora while supporting my system with transient flora. (probiotics are only transient unless you do an FT and get actual human strains that colonize) This will cause me to properly digest and absorb what is necessary.
I ahve been on the intro diet, and doing fermented foods, and raw liver. Soups and bone broths (and eating the marrow), meat, good fatty meat, a lot of fats, animal, cod liver oil, coconut, red palm, olive oil. Cooked veggies. All sorts.No grains and no fruits.
The gut heals on fat and protien. Gelatin from the broths is what seals it. Probiotics feed the lining and strengthen it, plus feed you. Then once your body is able to get and use all the nutrtion it needs, only then will things start to normalize.
I have been doing this a couple weeks, and sleep through the night. I still have fog, but working with meditation, and hopefully the probiotics will start to get me the proper nutrition going and correct the immune function.
Lam is great guys. THey are nice and caring, but they are running on mostly old research, and only just trying to incorporate the new stuff.
The answer is not goign to be in massive doses of synthetic vitamins. That has the potential to throw things off more.
Example: everybody knows about chelation and autism. DId you know they improve during treatment only to regress after? But if you fix their gut so that the elimination systems a free to expell on their own, you don't need chelation, and a lot of them eventually normalize. I am a member of a group who does this diet with autistic kids, who have the same symptoms we do. Including poor sleep and night wakings. This works!
any questions?