Re: Regarding Weston Price... I'm sorry (truly) but you did not "try the Schulze thing"... Re: Does anybody with AF ever tried Dr. Schulze program?
And there are very real dangers in vegetables too...of course, I can't think of anyone that suggests ingesting pesticide/herbicide riddled veggies/produce. And yes, my source is organic free range. Straight off the farm. GREAT! (I wasn't suggesting that you didn't) - I was just reminding everyone of the dangers of commercial animal meats, fats & fluids.
The fact is that schultz program does not contain any saturated fat. Neither does the diet of Dr. Max Gerson, yet he cured thousands of people from cancer (tens of thousands if you count those that have done his program since his death). Also, vitamin a is fat soluble and needs suffiecient fat to be absorbed. And don't say there is pleanty of vitamin a in veggies and that it's absorbed with olive oil. This is where people become "blinded by science" and don't consider the truth of what happens in the body. Just because something is soluble in fat, doesn't mean fat is required for the body to assimilate it. Dr. Gerson's protocol contains only 1-3T of flax seed oil daily - yet his success rate was phenomenal. We assimilate plenty of 'fat soluble' vitamins without ingesting animal fat. All these great healers that utilized vegan diets had immense success and nobody died from a lack of the fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin A (retinol/beta carotene) - drink too much carrot juice and the beta carotene tinges our skin orange. That's pretty much an assurance it was assimilated. Maybe, but in a compromised digestive tracts, and compromised system, only 5 percent of that is able to be converted.This is why the #1 one thing that is addressed on the IP is cleansing & restoring the digestive tract...and why easily assimilated fresh juices (with their own enzymes) is so beneficial and restorative.
Fasting is great, by all means. Since all animals in nature go off their food when they are sick, I'd definitely agree with you :) But you really have to be in a position where your body can handle it. Of course, fasting of any kind always induces the release of toxins from the tissues/fat, this is why the juice-fasting part of the IP is supported by so many various substances and protocols...and why "jumping into a fast" is not a good idea (unless there's an emergency).
I don't want to disrupt this forum, nor do I want to argue or waste mine/anyone's time. But I do feel driven to correct misinformation about a healing protocol I've been studying and researching for almost a decade (back when some of y'all were still in grade school/jr high). I am constantly learning (as are we all) and doing my best to 'upgrade & ammend' the works of these great healers to face today's more 'toxic challenges'. Long before I knew of the importance of natural sources of vitamin C & B5 for adrenal issues (or adaptogenic herbs), I healed myself and helped almost a dozen others (off CZ) heal themselves of the same. All except me? ...people that were just sick & tired of putting their life, health & bank account into the hands of 'alternative practitioners' (only to have 'false dawns' and end up being worse) and had realized 'full body health' is really the only thing that removes symptoms. Not everyone is interested in learning and doing this; not everyone wants to follow the protocols of 'old school healers'; not everyone believes that it will work. I've never seen it not work (unless people don't stick with it, or only do parts of it).
No hard feeling here (for Akkilk or anyone else). I just want to make sure that the protocol is not 'piece-mealed' or critiqued by those that haven't spent the years that I have researching, using and understanding it. So it'd be great if any one has questions or comments to make, they'd make them over on my forum where more people are utilizing it and there's a deeper and more solid knowledge base.