Re: middle eastern, greeks, meditereaneans prove liver flush
I say that that stuff coming out is not good for us regardless of it being stones or something else. Where precisely it comes from - who cares?
The one benefit is the olive oil sterols are binding the excess cholesterol in the bile preventing a lot of its reabsorption. But this still at the risk of lodging a real gallstone in the bile ducts not to mention the amount of calories the oil provides.
I'll continue with my flushes. My first successful one produced stuff but only significant one health benefit: feces which were orange for a long time became brown again. It happened immediately after the flush. They have never been orange since. Or to your mind colour is irrelevant? Merely a cosmetic thing?
The color comes from the bile in the feces. So it is merely showing that you were not releasing bile properly for whatever reason. Oils stimulate the release of bile, thus the stool became more brown. Nothing magical or spectacular.
My latest productive flush: my symptoms of hypoglycemia are lessened. If these thing could be quantified, I would put a figure of 75% improvement on it.
But the gallbladder has NOTHING to do with hypoglycemia. Your effects are more likely from the magnesium intake, which is required for proper blood sugar regulation. So again nothing to do with the supposed expulsion of gallstones or the actual expulsion of pseudostones that are formed in the intestines from the chemical reactions between the olive oil and bile.