Re: middle eastern, greeks, meditereaneans prove liver flush
Its Amazing how much babbling you two can do and not prove anything . Just getting more and more personal.
The one that is been making it personal is you. Spud and I have been responding with evidence and you keep relying with personal attacks and blame games. Why is that? Maybe because you know we are right so you have nothing to respond with other than personal attacks?
And no I dare not post in my regular user name and be hounded and attacked by you two. I saw what HV did to a couple others who stood up to him and it wasn't pretty.
Again I treat people they way they treat me. If they want to keep responding with attacks then I will respond in kind since this is all they seem to understand. I have asked you to provide evidence several times nicely, but again every one of your responses are full of attacks. But you are doing more to discredit the flushes than I could ever do. After all if you had even one shred of proof that they worked then you would be shouting it from the rooftops. So the fact that all you have been responding with is attacks this is proof that you have no evidence and the flushing really does not work.
Seems unbelievable that HV would put that much effort into discrediting others unless he had an agenda.
I have been posting on CZ for quite while spending a lot of time that I could be doing other things. Yet nearly everything I have told people to do involves things they already have at home or they go to a health food store or elsewhere to get what they need. So what is my agenda of spending hours each day on these forums helping people to get better? Oh that's right, my agenda is to educate people with facts so they can get healthy and so they don't injure themselves by following bogus advice such as doing the flushes that do not work but can lodge a real stone in the bile ducts resulting in emergency surgery.
It seem he takes on the most effective protocol on Curezone and does his best to discredit them.I wonder why??
I have been discussing a bogus protocol that has been discredited so many times with REAL evidence. And you keep responding with personal attacks and false claims. So what is your agenda. After all you are spending so much time and effort attacking those who have proven the flushing does not work and can be dangerous. Don't you care about people's health and safety? If yes then why are you promoting this proven quackery?