Of course it can vary by individual. On the other hand, virtually no one should eat NO carbs! At least some healthy carbs are essential for good health, especially over the long term. A lot of people who bought heavily into the no-carbs diet as publicized by the Atkins group will find problems down the road, the same as will a lot of people who have bought into the idea of eating only vegetables without carefully managing their diets will ultimately find problems due to long term nutritional deficiencies.
It is all about balance and the kinds and quality of food items consumed. One can be more on the meat eater and low carbs end or more on the vegan end and still be healthy over both the short and long term, but for virtually all of us the healthiest equilibrium will be found in a diet that includes at least some healthy meats and some healthy vegetables. We have developed for eons eating both meat and vegetables. Attempting to get too far away from that model is fraught with risk.
You may well do better to get most of your veggie content with little or no grains and perhaps avoiding heavy consumption of fruits (due to the fructose content).