Re: No Coment Who lives Longes ;)
I absolutely agree, Grz. Though 7th Day Adventists consume a diet that is by far predominately vegan, the vast majority of them are lacto-ovo vegans and thus consume some dairy and eggs. I have no doubts at all that the inclusion of lacto-ovo foods contributes to their overall health and longevity.
Seventh Day Adventist are also very health conscious people as a group and they exercise and live a much healthier lifestyle than most. What sometimes gets lost in the debate over meat eaters versus vegans is that vegans tend to be much more health-conscious as a group as opposed to all of those who get lumped into the "meat eater" category. The stats would surely look much different if you took out all the sedentary, junk food eaters, processed meat eaters and highly medicated people in the meat eater group and instead compared meat eaters who lived healthily to vegans who lived healthily.
With the exception of the Innuit, who had to adapt to the available food and cold, barren envirnment, all of the healthiest and longest lived peoples on earth eat a combination of plants and meats, as one would expect natural omnivores to do. The ratios of how much meat and how much vegetables is in their diets may vary, but what is constant is that they get the benefits that are available from both plants and meats, consume high quality, unadulterated and nutrient dense plants and meats, and live healthy lifestyles in locations where there is typically less toxins and pollution.