Re: Chris needs Some Meat for health. But you haven't tried raw meat as part of your diet yet. Sashimi is a good start. Even Don Quixote eats raw sashimi.
I agree with you that no one should tell another what is best for them in terms of eating. We all want to obtain some sense of medical freedom, we should also be concerned about freedom of food choice. I think you agree with that judging by your previous posts and comments.
To use the *primate* argument for a plant based diet is somewhat sound, as I believe we should make *plants* a large, foundational part of any *human* diet... but this argument requires a belief in evolutionary *theory* to pan out fully.
Evolution has not been *proven* and likely never will be.
In addition, as you noted, in part, all primates do consume insects and other primates consume small animals, raw when the opportunity presents itself... in essence they are all omnivores.
I think I remember reading where primates ate anywhere from 3 to somewhere in the low teen percentages insect\animal diet dependent upon the species.
...using the carnivore argument(s), when we are quite clearly omnivores (even if one uses the primate argument), with an emphasis on a plant based dietary foundation, is not valid IMO.