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Re: HELP!! BENTONITE Clay/Psyllium has caused me EXTREME constipation :(
blueciel Views: 87,843
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Re: HELP!! BENTONITE Clay/Psyllium has caused me EXTREME constipation :(

Hi Wanderlust,

I am currently dealing with the same problem. It all started a few weeks ago after a liver flush. It wasn't particularly productive, I had just expelled a few green stones but still felt movement in my liver so I think I still have a lot of stuff in there. My bowel movements started becoming pencil thin or just loose and no matter what I took I got the same results. I went back to all my trusted herbs, tonics, P&B shakes but nothing has been working this time. The products I'm taking are from Uniquity's store and they are very good quality. However, given that I now have an inflamed bowel, they only give me loose stools and incomplete eliminations.

I went back to basics, meaning to Dr. Bernard Jensen 's 'A Guide to Better Bowel Care' and slowly started doing his program. I've done his program last year and have eliminated plaque and was feeling very good. I haven't been able to juice fast this time around. I live in New York and life here revolves around seeing friends, going out for a drink or dinner, etc. This is what did me in to begin with. Another problem is that I've been so weak and lacking energy that I didn't have the mental strength to tackle the juice fast. What I did was to start with a P&B shake a day and take the IF1 formula to eliminate the next day. If you don't take it you're in for big trouble, as you know. You can drink gallons of water and it won't help. I am now up to 3 shakes a day and 3 IF1 capsules. My stools are getting thicker by the day which indicates that the bowel is getting stronger and cleaner.

I also do enemas to which I add some liquid chlorophyll. I used to do coffee enemas but I think they irritated my colon, so for the time being it's just chlorophyll. I am having a hard time holding the water, just like you, but every bit helps. Just keep putting more water in that bag and start again.

Another important part of my program is changing the way I eat. Eating healthily comes easily to me but lately I've indulged too much in sweets and wine and coffee. It's stupid, given the fact that I had given up on the stuff altogether and was feeling amazing. I've also given up on bread and am eating mostly raw, but also cooked or steamed vegetables. I am juicing daily to give myself a shot of natural vitamins and minerals.

By the way, stop taking all that junk, the supplements, because you're not absorbing them anyway. At this point, you're only absorbing liquids and juices are the way to give yourself nutrients. Only when your intestines, including the small intestine, are clean can you absorb supplements. Even then I wouldn't take them because they only burden your liver. Artificial stuff is not being absorbed by the body but stored away in tissues.

Speaking of the liver, after 20 unproductive Liver Flushes I can say with confidence that the liver will NOT release any stones into a colon that doesn't eliminate properly. I wouldn't even begin with a parasite cleanse until you're eliminating regularly. At this point, focus on getting your bowel healthy, then you can do all the other cleanses. Adding one more thing to your body will just constipate you completely.

By the way, the oxyclean or colosan cleanse may work for some but not for others. When your bowel is inflamed you need to go back to nature. Drink fresh green juices as often as you can.

Good luck!


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