Spud Some Advice
I can tell that you need some serious help. You are wandering aimlessly around these forums in some kind of trance state and I think the only way out is to take serious note of what I am about to tell you. If I were you I would listen because I am very spiritual. My guru even told me so. ;-)
First of all I know what you need (because I am pretty damn enlightened after all, and if you don't believe that I am, I will keep telling you until you do believe me) based on my estimation of you and I think I have you sized up pretty good.
First, your name is a dead giveaway. You are named after potato droppings. That reveals just how limited you really are. Oh sure it has a cutesy flare but that wears as thin as a pringles chip after a while. Based on that alone, I can say that this infinite chiptential you blather on about is just another belief system. Also being as a mere potato source you currently have way too many eyes. This will just confuse you. You need to turn off your eyesight and still your potato head lest you become a french fry or worse, a curly fry.
So then, I propose that you find a teacher who can lead you to the stillness required to get to potato bliss. My choice for you would be a particular potato that has transcended his lower potato self and is now living in higher potato realms of potato love. You may need to deflect his passes towards you. We over look that side of him because he is just so spirtual.
It is with great honor that I introduce you to...
Yogi Potatowanda
You can just sense the love emanating from this ascended spud. If you let him guide you, you too will access a state of bliss beyond mere french fries and potato chips.
You will have transcended the lower starchiness of your potato mind and achieved what all spuds eventually achieve after many reinspudnations. You will access the supermind of.....
Mr Potato Head.
I hope you take this to heart and follow the path of enpotatoment. I know you can do this.