The Yogi Stir Fry
Seeing as your post was laughable, I will handle it in similar fashion.
*Cue mellow dramatic soapbox music...*
*Cue super yoga hero....*
". I am here communicating today because of the false idiot pundit gurus like yourself who are capable of doing much more harm to others who may be authentically looking for a way out of the labyrinth they feel they have fallen into. Already lost, you encourage those to become even more lost within the web of your circular logic - ["Infinite Potential" a cave within a cave within a cave... within a cave, ad naseum] only to lead others deeper into the mire that may take them a much longer time than what is left in their lifetime in order to dig themselves out from under. "
It's great you are here to save everyone. You can lead everyone to "nothingness" in guru yogi land. Turn off and tune out your mind everyone and go numb like the T meister. Turn off your creativity too in the process and go lame as well. Then copy and paste or echo thoughts already thought up by others like a parrot acting as a tape recorder, a tape recorder, a tape recorder, a tape recorder.....
No point in getting too deep into into your diatribe. Well there's no depth so that would be impossible ;-) Same crap, different day in verbose, limited, and laughable fashion. The defender of all believers poppin' in for a "set me straight" session. Would you like a hero theme for your image? Maybe a yoga cookie to chew while your zoning out to the calm still place (to attack and rant from)?
Next time consider having your cape pressed before poppin' in to save the day.
I am reminded of a story.
Fsaiudif sddaifa dflksa df sakldgfa sfdlgkasd fnasdf
asdlfkasnd flas dlf lsgdflksa dgldfg nglsadfglkdflg ads
sfdkblaksdgf kndsfkgndk gnldflgl gg jld fjgj d jgldf g
djbfgidk fngidsfng elgndshfnglnelkng s dfnfglknelkng.
Now back to Turiya's timely message of earth shattering proportions.
"If you really believe that your "infinite potential" is a concept containing all other belief systems, then why are you so opposed to other ways of self discovery? Why so much conflict with others? The best way for others to come out of false belief systems is when they feel they have discovered that it was false for themselves, not when it is imposed on them from the outside from others. Imposition will only cause an opposition - the defense mechanism of the other will be activated. The shields will go up. Have you not consider how it is/was the same for yourself when you came out of your conditioning?"
Ask yourself the same question.
Get back to me. Yoga master.
Is this an example of irony or hypocrisy? Perhaps just plain stupidity? All of the above?
"Up until I became aware of how you seek to generate conflict, your method of setting people up so you can later dump crap on them, lay a quip down on them, a degrading remark, and then later came more conflicts. Personally, I have no interest in debating, the back and forth and up and down, the in and out. The Debate Forums are good for those that need to put off steam. But not good for the healthy to read such posts. Why would anyone want to wallow in anybody elses' vomit?"
Who started this thread and how was it started? Oh someone called me out. I remember. ;-)
So here you are in a debate forum and you are doing exactly what you claim I am doing. I guess you have selective reading skills? It must be that you tune out in ooooooooohhhhhmmmm land while reading others attacks that I respond to. It may take much more "left brain exercise" to understand the essence of what is going on here. You have your methods of exploration.. I have mine, only mine do not fit into the hindu cookie cutter that you tend to apply to all of reality. *yawn*
Stirring belief systems reveals a lot. As we see what has been stirred up in you. A nice chunky turiya stew it seems.
Perhaps you may want to take your own advice and still your mind...relax....breathe.....calm downnnnn. Lose yourself in the "love" you parrot to others about. I guess your method and belief system doesn't give you what you promise it will do for others? Or just sometimes, when you don't feel the need to dawn a cape and respond to your filters.
BTW, people set themselves up. I just examine beliefs in different ways. People do what they do, due to their attachments to those beliefs. You are demonstrating a nice discomfort in this regard too. ;-)