Original thought is possible but only happens very rarely.
The great physicist, Eddington, said the deeper science goes into matter the more it becomes evident that things are thoughts. The reverse is also true - thoughts are things. You can throw your thoughts and hit somebody with them. People do that purposely to others. Its been called voodoo black magic. The opposite can be done also. Healing thoughts can be sent to others that are great distances away.
Thoughts are things and things are thoughts. Perhaps you remember a man by the name of Uri Geller. He was a guy that was doing experiments on thought energy. Somebody would hold a spoon and Uri Geller would stand 10 feet away and with only thoughts of bending the spoon, it would happen. He went on the BBC television and performed the experient live. Not even Uri Geller could believe what had happened - in thousands of homes many things got bent, fell down and were affected by this. Thoughts are things, and can be very forceful.
It means that thoughts are being thrown around from everywhere by everyone. Have you ever looked at your own mind. It is just a chatterbox, thoughts are continuously flying in all directions. You are broadcasting unnecesarily, everyone is broadcasting unconsciously and unnecessarily. The amount of thoughts that are being thrown around makes it quite dangerous. The further back you go, the more and more peaceful the earth was. Now there are greater numbers of people that are living on this planet than ever before, and everyone broadcasting all kinds of thoughts. There are thick clouds of thought all over this earth. The whole world every day is becoming more and more miserable, it is because the are more and more people on the earth than ever before. And just about everyone of them is unconsciously throwing around their thoughts. One should be very careful of their thoughts. If people are not very conscious then they can create much misery for themselves and others. Like a double-edged sword. It is what is happening.
That is why whatever goes on in this world everyone is responsible for. If there is a hell on earth, then everyone is responsible. Bush and Cheney are not alone responsible for the Iraq war, everyone is also responsible. The only person that is not responsible is one that is capable of having a silent mind. Only a person that can put his mind aside will not be broacasting, will not be receiving broadcasts from others.
Such a person is only capable of having an original thought. And that original thought comes when one is a silent empty vessel, it comes from the original source where all things come from. You can call it God, Existence, truth, infinte potential or whatever you want. And those that are receive that original thought know perfectly well that they can not claim it as their own. It cannot be claimed by the ego. Because the ego can not be present when it comes. It comes from the Source of all things only when the ego is not.
But to say that the concept of the Source of all things, God, Truth, Beauty is ‘your’ or 'my' concept is a bit disingenuous, if not laughable. And to call it some name (ininite potential), a name that has been used by a countless numbers of people and organizations, to label it something that has been used by many others previously, is not being very original.
The term "Infinte Potential" has been used by the following (and more if you research it): David Peat author of Infinite Potential: Life and Times of David Bohm, Andrew Cohen - founder of EnlightenNext Magazine, Paramahansa Yogananda (article called "Our Infinite Potential"), Sraddhalu Ranade -