In other words come here to planet earthy, but don't participate. And you came why? No thought is impossible if you are of this realm.
There are only three mysteries in this existence: life, death and love. Only two of these have any certainty. Once one is born there is life. Then death will be most certain to follow. Love is the only mystery that is not for certain. There is no guarantee that it will happen. It may or may not occur. There is only a possibility. One can live their whole life without experiencing love. And Love is totally illogical. It can not be contained within any intellectual concept... as you define your "infinite potential" as being - a concept. The experience of love can only happen outside the realm of the intellect, with dropping of the ego - which is a state of no thought, an egolessness. With these words of yours 'No thought is impossible if you are of this realm,' it is obvious then, that you have not yet experienced the higher states of love. Without that experience your so-called "infinite potential" remains quite limited. From my experience, it is something that I can suggest is not something that one should miss. Without this experience of love, one's life would be just a sheer wastage.