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Just another state of infinite states
InnerCalm Views: 5,136
Published: 15 y
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Just another state of infinite states

Quite a diatribe you have going there and these "higher"planes of love are nothing more than another filter.

You can experience bliss states through jesus, singing in a choir, holding a teddy bear and many yogic breathing exercises not to mention whirling and spinning.

You fail to realize that what is talked about as a concept (infinite potential) is the playing field for all these beliefs and experiences including "higher" planes of "love." Even the "yoga" bear brand of yoga "love" tm.

Resting between thoughts is just another experience, one I have encountered many times.

Also I have observed the observer observing the observer observing the observer, etc. You can take this infinite.'s another experience however we can believe it to be some ultimate bliss state if we want to. There are infinite states and to say this state is the utlimate end point is naive. Taking a holiday from creation is a choice within infinite potential. It is not the only state and certainly not an end point.

Why are you here in human form if all you want to do is
escape it? Seems odd.

I personally know a monk who meditated in a monastery for almost 25 years. He was considered by other monks to be a master. he tought others and was highly regarded. He left it behind only to realize that he was copping out of reality by engaging what he was engaging in. A time out from reality. Like a child who stays indoors while others are creating and playing. He now realizes that it was a holiday from creation and was a choice based on chasing a rainbow of another kind. A promised carrot before a horse laid out be a long religious tradition. And that choice led him away from clutter, but did not take him to the yogic promised states held out by many gurus of eastern philosophy. Just another carrot in another form. He has now married and is enjoying the game of life. He has experienced both the stillness and the molding of energy as experience for the sake of experience. He prefers the latter now.

To say one state is better than the other misses the point and holds up a new form of exclusive religious goal oriented spirituality. It is the old eastern religion that states everything is illusion except taking a vacation from mind. Ask any guru. They will verify ;-)

I am reminded of a story. Damn copy and paste isn't working...oh well, I guess you'll just have to take my words instead. ;-)


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