Re: The Candida is Killed by Alkalinity Myth
>god damn your posts are too long
Sorry, but sometimes it takes a lot of evidence to get people to see the light.
>alkalinity = higher oxygen
Actually I would reverse that. Increased oxygen reduces certain acids. Particularly carbonic and lactate.
>fungus = killed by oxygen
No, but killed by many oxidizers like ozone.
>i have posted here many times that these alkalizing baths >did kill my skin fungus
>how many here have tried countless candida remedies to get >nowhere? who are you to say alkalizing is worse than >countless other folk(heresay)remedies?
Are you sure it was a fungus? Many people mistake other things such as dermatitis for fungal infections. Also keep in mind that there are many forms of yeast and fungus. I am talking specifically about Candida albicans.
>it may indeed work for some people where it has not worked >for my opinion whether it kills candida or not it >is beneficial.
There are several possibilities. I had a small rash a long time ago that I was told was a fungal dermatitis. It came back in the summer when I sweated more for a few years. Then it went away all on its own. I did nothing to treat it. There is also the possibility that the skin restored its natural acidic pH as a rebound response to the higher pH.
Are you denying that alkalinity promotes Candida? If so what is your explanation of women getting Candidiasis after taking
Antibiotics that cause the tissues to become alkaline?
I am all for home remedies IF they actually work. Personally I prefer thyme essential oil or
Black-Walnut hull to kill topical yeast. I just think that people way too often misdiagnosis themselves. I have seen so many cases of this. And they often get better from a change in diet, or a supplement, but they are doing so many things at once that they don't have a clue what really worked. It is like someone undergoing chemotherapy, changing their diet, and taking herbs and their cancer goes away. So what worked? Maybe none of them. Maybe it was a spontaneous remission. Maybe they reduced their stress allowing their immune system to come up. The chemo was unlikely, but this will still be the doctor's assumption and maybe even the person's assumption. This is why research as evidence is so important. We have to have some type of controls to really know what is going on.